Week 28: Getting all my cousins

Hey all,
I received my new companion, Sister Chadda. She is also from Delhi and is adorable adorable adorable! she is tiny and very sweet. She makes me smile a lot :)) She has a very strong testimony and it has been strengthening mine since she came. 
With her, i got Sister Beesa in my apartment too!!!! it is super crazy how my cousins always end up being around me on the mission. It amazes me to see her on a mission and how good of a missionary she already is. We have been laughing continuously since they came. It's fun. They're both tiny and Sister Kongu and I are not so we feel like big aunties in front of them. hehe 
This last week we had an appointment that I will probably never forget. We were teaching the Restoration and Sister Chadda shared her testimony n Hindi, when I looked at sister Kongu to say that I will translate it in English and then she can do it in Telugu, she said she that she got it and she went on and translated the whole thing in Telugu! It was crazy!! we all were feeling the spirit so strong in the appointment that day. It was a testimony to us that God does work in His own ways and He is always there to help His children in the things He has assigned us to do. I love having these wonderful experiences! 

Have a beautiful week you all! Remember that God loves you and He is right by your side, ALWAYS. 
Love you,
Sister Massey


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