WEEK : 23

Guess what? I went proselyting in Bangalore last week!!
So we were there for a training and President suggested that as we had
a whole extra day there we could go and meet some families. SO we did
and it was the sweetest experience. Some people we couldn't meet
because they were busy but we did meet Dina (the girl in the picture)
and Brother Vishnu's family. his wife was just baptized 3 months ago.
It was so good to see these people. Dina shared with us how she is
wanting to be a missionary like us once she is done with her studies
and we were able to give her some suggestions and shared our
experiences that made her more excited and gave her a clearer picture
of what we do as missionaries.
Then we met brother Vishu's family. We shared about temples with them
and loved knowing about how excited his wife is for their family to
visit the temple one day and be sealed to her family not only for this
life but for the life after death as well.

In Rajahmundry also we met new people this week. Sister Ramanama came
to us while we were at a member's house and expressed how she really
wants to learn about the gospel and about our church so we met with
her and her husband. We also met Devi yesterday who has a beautiful
voice! She asked us to sing a hymn for her (we sang count your
blessings) and then she sang a Telugu hymn for us and we were
literally in awe because her voice was so beautiful. She has 2 kids.
We are excited to meet with her and her family this week.
We are enjoying our companionship. There's a lot of laughter. I like that :))
Life is good.

Sister Massey


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