2nd week in the Mission Field ,PS. happy HOLI!!
Vandhanalu, This week was sooo good!! Sometimes it is so hard to believe the things that happen. We have quite a few progressing investigators now, it seems unbelievable because of our boundaries we thought we won't be able to meet enough people but the Lord works in His own ways. We received a lot of referrals from the members and as we went around the area we met a lot of former investigators who are still very interested! Chandra accepted the invitation to be baptized along with 3 other investigators (Pandu,His wife Suvarna and Jancy ) ! We are trying to teach her 11-year-old daughter as well. It's been such a good experience to meet with her family. Yesterday we had an appointment with a former investigator Sanjana (this was finally someone who speaks english so i was VERY excited to meet with her) but as soon as she saw us she went out. We were really sad and disappointed. Her grandmother, because we were Christians. let us in though. She thought we'll